Wednesday, November 14, 2012

3rd Annual Oxford Fibert Arts Festival

The 3rd Annual Oxford Fiber Arts Festival is coming!  The first two festivals were so successful, the third annual will be even bigger and better!  (Seriously, can we top ourselves, again?!)  Everyone loved the first and second festivals -- vendors, attendees, teachers, kids, even the animals had a good time!

The Third Annual Fiber Festival will be held  January 25-27, 2013 at the Powerhouse Community Art Center on University Avenue in Oxford, Mississippi.

I'll be doing a kids craft again at the next festival.  This time we'll be teaching kids how to do Kumihimo Braiding.  It's a very simple technique (it can be complicated, but not at the beginner level!), and we'll make key chains or zipper pulls.  I think there is going to be a nominal charge this year, probably $1, and it will incude all the materials.  You even get to take home your Kumihimo disk and a set of instructions to make more braids.

Click on the boxes on the right to 1) see more photos of Kumihimo braiding and 2) link to Knit 1 Oxford for more informaiton about the Fiber Festicval.  To see more kumihimo photos, click here.

This necklace was made using several techniques.  Beading was added around a reproduction glass button, a bail was created with beaded square stitch, the cording was braided using a Kumihimo disk, and a spring from the hardware store was cut in half and used for the end caps.  My braid was not quite long enough, so I extended the length with extra beading.  A magnetic clasp closes the necklace.